
Daniel's sealed-up book unsealed

Gabriel’s Apocalyptic Countdown ......"Unveiled"

“Daniel’s 70th week”

The last 7 years of God’s time-line



About 2,600 years ago. The prophet Daniel had visions about the end of time and the events leading up to the end of time. He was eager to understand his visions and dreams, thus Daniel prayed to God about these visions; 21 days later, the angel Gabriel appeared unto Daniel to unveil those visions. Then after God’s veiled truth was given, Gabriel instructed Daniel to seal up these veiled truths until the end-of-time, which is “NOW”Daniel 12:4…“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up “the book” until the end-of-time; many will go back and forth (through the Bible), even from one end to the other, seeking to understand God’s timing for the end of this “Earth age”); and therewith knowledge (Biblical knowledge) will increase”God has sealed up this veiled account of the end-time events in the book of Daniel to be a faithful witness to primarily Israel, but secondarily to the church, which would enable both to know that there even was a sealed up book forthcoming with information about the end-of-time. And consequently, from this written account in God’s word, we would also recognize that at some point toward the end-of-time, that “the book” sealed up by Daniel, would be unsealed. People…this is that book! Therein, after these things, Gabriel saidDaniel 12:9…“Go your way Daniel, for these words will be kept a secret and sealed up until the end-of-time”People that time would be “NOW”. And therefore, when you open this book, these hidden truths that God had given to Gabriel to give to Daniel are now being given to you, so fasten your seat belt and prepare yourself for some jarring revelations on an unimaginable scale, even reaching to the extreme  level of an incomprehensible magnitude….   James Krustallos…


Zara Morton—Senior Project Manager @ Savvy Book Marketing


Thank you for sending us your manuscript. We have thoroughly reviewed your book and are in awe of the information imparted through the book “PROOF”. The enlightening and eye-opening hidden truths that God gave to Gabriel to be conveyed to the world through Daniel lead to a well carved-out path of reverence and spirituality that definitely claims its spot on bookstore shelves. The book “PROOF” is a confident, faith-based guide that seeks to arm people, in general, with the knowledge that they can use to better understand the concept of the end-of-time. The book is impressively intricate and thorough and elaborates on extensive and deep religious concepts with valid references from scriptures and notable historical events. It focuses on the conclusion of all truth that was consigned for man’s consumption and, in doing so, unveils to us the prophecy revealed from the endless knowledge of the Almighty God Himself. The book addresses the topic of “God in us” and the God of the Bible being the one and only true God through absolute delicacy and relevance that reawakens the knowledge within oneself in order to learn. And despite the book’s apparent religiosity, the voice of the book is impersonal, and it passes on the extensive knowledge as a guiding influence. The supporting facts and references throughout the book are deliberate and eloquent. The overall content contains on-point references of natural symbolism that encourage a turn away from screens and ideals and toward finding what’s authentic in one’s self and one’s convictions. We commend the author for his incredible efforts to unravel the hidden truths and put forth the “PROOF” that this world is highly in need of…


People — there was no forethought about the content of this book, no pre-outline or prepared notes; it’s just straight from the source…What you read is what was given, and most importantly, it was given in the arrangement of subject order as was necessary to be properly understood…A point which only the one penning this book could have readily understood and appreciated…It was originally written like a scroll as one ceaseless document…There were no parts, no sections, no chapters or headings, and there were not even any paragraphs…That was all done after the entire composition was complete…Thus basically, the original text was one sentence about 150,000 words long…Those who have spiritual wisdom will understand, those who do not will simply discard and move on…And other than the insert of ongoing commentary, punctuation and a few pictures and charts, there were no major revisions or additions from start to finish…It was penned as it was given…So how can this book be explained?…And it must be stipulated that there was no “physical” ghost writer, and no eyes have ever viewed one word written on these pages until the publishers and then yours…These last day ciphered mysteries will become crystal-clear to those who desire truth as they read and decipher for themselves the mysteries of the ages unveiled from the pages of this God given book “PROOF” …………..  James Krustallos


People, time truly is very short, so if you want to read the most important, powerful and compelling book written in 2000 years, either return to the website that brought you here or go to and order the full book, either the ebook, paperback or hard cover edition, or simply click on the “FREE” download button below and read this book on your media device…This book is far beyond the integrity of argument or any deliberation-of-truth for those who truly want the truth of who God is and who wrote His BOOK. Daniel’s sealed up book will be unsealed to unveil the time-line given to Daniel by the angel Gabriel. To those who understand, the odds of these things “not” being faithful and true, as you will come to learn from the pages of this book, are about 1 chance in 456,913,342,762,329,600,000,000,000,000,000 Nonillion…


Reading directives for the discernment of this book….This is God’s definitive “end-time recorded exposition” expressly written to both  elect-Israel and the elect-church in the pursusance of removing any lingering darkness concerning “times and seasons”… Thessalonians 5:4…But you brethren (the elect) are not in darkness…in regard to God’s end-time story lines, or the “times and seasons” of God’s many other comprehensive story-lines  unfolding throughout this second “Earth Age”…Understand that there are three elects in God’s book — elect Israel, the elect church and the elect angels…And you can partake in one, or two, or even all three of God’s chosen elect positions leading to your own personal ordained eternal destination…Herein, to understand, read God’s book or even this “Third Season” end-time book that unveils Daniel’s 70th week…And if you chose to read this book, proper spiritual assimilation of this information can only be gained by starting from the  beginning of the PROLOGUE on the very first page , and then reading through to the very end of this book titled  “PROOF: Armageddon and After“, leaving out no pages, paragraphs or sentences…Isaiah 55:9…as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so also are God’s ways higher than your ways and His thoughts higher than your thoughts…


People, if you are  led to read this book, do not jump ahead, for it has been purposely and  expressly programmed in God’s elect to this end, for which you will comprehend as you read…Have you ever asked the question, “If I had PROOF of who God is or who wrote His Book, the Bible, then I would believe”: well this book is absolute PROOF of who God is and who wrote His book…And it is also absolute PROOF as to “when is the end-of-time” as revealed in the countdown clock you read at the beginning of this website…However, embrace this truth that God has proclaimed in His own BOOK, this truth being — only a “few” will understand, but most will notMatthew 7:14…But small is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and “few” there be who find it…You have nothing physical to lose here, so just click on the red “free download button” below to download and read the entire 320 pages of this book at no cost to you, starting with the PROLOGUE, and if God is not speaking to you, just move on…However, for those “few” who are being called to have a part in “God’s elect Israel” or “God’s elect Church”, or even God’s elect Angels, you may be intrigued and inspired to dig a little deeper into God’s last day truths…